OSHA/NIOSH Interim Guidance - April 2005* -
Notes on PPE Selection Matrix for Emergency Responders

Guidance Overview

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Guidance on Respiratory Protective Equipment

OSHA/NIOSH Recommended Respiratory PPE Indicated Uses Contraindications
Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) Whenever inhalational hazards are unknown/uncharacterized or expected to be high

Whenever making entries into environments containing less than 19.5% (i.e., low) oxygen
Powered, air-purifying respirator (PAPR) After characterization of response scene identifies lower risk of potential internal contamination Not for use in areas characterized as immediately dangerous to life and health

Not for use in environments containing less than 19.5% (i.e., low) oxygen
Air-purifying respirator (APR) After characterization of response scene identifies lower risk of potential internal contamination Not for use in areas characterized as immediately dangerous to life and health

Not for use in environments containing less than 19.5% (i.e., low) oxygen

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Control Zone Categories

Control Zone Category Category Definition OSHA/EPA PPE Requirements for Entry Additional Prudent Work Practices
Red Areas confirmed to be contaminated with life-threatening dermal and/or inhalational toxins

Areas suspected to be contaminated with life-threatening dermal and/or inhalational toxins (pending confirmation)
Level A PPE until risk assessment allows for change/downgrade in PPE level Limit time spent on scene

Perform only essential activities
  • Save lives
  • Protect large populations
  • Protect valuable property necessary for public welfare, initial monitoring)

Avoid unnecessary contact with surfaces or potentially contaminated materials

Take advantage of natural ventilation to reduce contamination

Complete a mandatory radiation survey and assisted or self-decontamination upon exit
Yellow Areas in close proximity to release area

Areas known to be contaminated with CBRN agents

Areas in which active release has ceased and initial monitoring information exists
Select PPE and limit work duration to reduce risk of contamination and exposure  
Green Areas where contamination with CBRN agents is unlikely

Areas beyond expected dispersal range of initial event

Areas beyond contamination range created by traffic and emergency responders

NOTE: transient, minimal contamination potential does exist within the Green Zone
Level D PPE Inform people of location of event and Red and Yellow Zones

Suggest means for reporting suspected contamination

Suggest attention to general hygiene

Provide information on voluntary use of PPE

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*OSHA/NIOSH Interim Guidance (April 2005). Chemical - Biological - Radiological - Nuclear (CBRN) Personal Protective Equipment Selection Matrix for Emergency Responders (OSHA, HHS/CDC/NIOSH)


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