RDD: Radioactive Dispersal from an Experimental
RDD Explosion
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Radioactive Dispersal from an Experimental RDD Explosion

Source: Musolino SV, Harper FT, Buddemeier B, Brown M, Schlueck R. Updated Emergency Response Guidance for the First 48 H after the Outdoor Detonation of an Explosive Radiological Dispersal Device. Health Phys 2013;105(1);65-73, Figure 3.

Picture Description:

"Experiment at the Sandia National Laboratory showing a test device wherein all or part of the surrogate radioactive material was converted into ballistic fragments approximately 100- to 500-μm in size (aerodynamic). If the device had generated small particles, < 100 μm (aerodynamic), this debris would be entrained inside the fireball and subjected to the buoyant rise and dispersal by local meteorological conditions."