Damage Zones After a Nuclear Detonation &
Approach" to the Response*
The pattern of damage caused by a
nuclear detonation can be
predicted by computer modeling
- The closer to ground zero, the more severe the expected physical damage on the ground and the greater the expected levels of radiation.
Among the factors influencing the amount and pattern of
damage and radiation include
- Yield of the burst (kT)
- Height of burst
- Nature of the device
- Topography of the land
- Composition of structures on the ground
- Weather
Three concentric physical Damage Zones have been
described corresponding the amount and type of physical
- Severe Damage Zone (closest to ground zero)
- Moderate Damage Zone
- Light Damage Zone (farthest away from ground zero)
See "idealized" maps of these 3 Damage Zones -
It is important to note that
- These zones describe anticipated physical damage
- Actual damage zones are unlikely to be this symmetrical.
- The transition between zones is likely to be more gradual
- Radiation levels are also high within these zones
Two Radiation Zones have been also been described
that will be important to responders and victims
- Dangerous Fallout Zone: bounded by the >10 R/hour line.
- The "0.01 R/h Boundary": also called the "Hot Zone" by NCRP 165 and others
- These zones extend from inside the Damage Zones to many miles outside the zones, with a shape and area dependent on the yield of the detonation and the wind.
- See illustration of the footprints of these zones with changes over 48 hours
Why are these zones important?
After a nuclear detonation, response leaders will use
the "zoned approach" to organize and direct activities
to the appropriate areas in order to maximize the
- Safety of responders
- Effectiveness of responder activities
- Save the maximum number of lives
- See table describing the "zoned approach" to responses and activities in each zone.
After a nuclear detonation, response leaders will use
the "zoned approach" to organize and direct activities
to the appropriate areas in order to maximize the
The Radiation Triage, Treat, Transport System (RTR)
has been proposed for the organizing and locating venues for
the medical response
- RTR builds upon both the Damage Zones and the Radiation Zones
- See illustration of RTR
* Planning Guidance for Response to a Nuclear Detonation, Second edition, 6/2010 (PDF - 2.62 MB) (National Security Staff, Interagency Policy Coordination Subcommittee for Preparedness & Response to Radiological and Nuclear Threats)