REMM Bibliography - Software Tools for Radiation Incident Response
- Managing Radiation Incident Responses
- Radiation Biodosimetry
- Retrospective Assessment of Dose Using Unconventional Devices
- Assign Clinical Triage Category in Radiation Incident
- Estimating Internal Contamination and Managing Decorporation
- Establishing and Managing a Community Reception Center
- Radiation Epidemiology
- Reporting of Environmental Radiation
- Managing Blast Injuries
- Managing a Bombing Incident: for First Responders
Managing Radiation Incident Responses
- Mobile REMM: Download selected REMM files to your mobile device
- REAC/TS RadMed
- Includes excellent resources for initial first responders on scene who suspect a potential Radiological /Nuclear emergency incident
- Link to initial activities video listed in the "Table of Contents" as "Radiological and Nuclear" (video 2:09)
- Links to R/N training videos and documents listed in the "Table of Contents" page on page labeled "Training Videos/Docs"
- Downloadable in Apple store with search for "CBRN"
- App developed in partnership between the Vermont Department of Health, Saint Michael's College Department of Public Safety and Saint Michael's College Fire and Rescue.
- Designed to supplement the US DOT Emergency Response Guide (ERG), but not replace it. Full ERG download
- Waller E, Millage K, Blakely WF, Ross JA, Mercier JR, Sandgren DJ, Levine IH, Dickerson WE, Nemhauser JB, Nasstrom JS, Sugiyama G, Homann S, Buddemeier BR, Curling CA, Disraelly DS. Overview of hazard assessment and emergency planning software of use to RN first responders. Health Phys. 2009 Aug;97(2):145-56. [PubMed Citation]
- IAEA Portable Digital Tool for Assisting First Responders to a Radiological Emergency (IAEA)
Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute (AFRRI) tools
- mFRAT (Mobile FRAT from AFRRI) (iOS platform)
- Mobile FRAT (Android platform)
- Majewski M, Rozgic M, Ostheim P, Port M, Abend M. A New Smartphone Application to Predict Hematologic Acute Radiation Syndrome Based on Blood Cell Count Changes-The H-module App. Health Phys. 2020 Jul;119(1):64-71. [PubMed Citation]
Radiation Biodosimetry
See: Radiation Biodosimetry Software: selected bibliography list
Retrospective Assessment of Dose Using Unconventional Devices
- These references are provided for information only and are not endorsed by REMM or any department or agency of the US government.
- Newer smartphones and other devices and software algorithms will also need to be assessed and validated before they can be relied upon during an actual incident.
- Wagner E, Sorom R, Wiles L. Radiation Monitoring for the Masses. Health Phys. 2016 Jan;110(1):37-44. [PubMed Citation]
- Ekendahl D, Bulánek B, Judas, L. Comparative measurements of external radiation exposure using mobile phones, dental ceramic, household salt, and conventional personal dosemeters. Radiation Measurements 2015;72:60-65.
Assign Clinical Triage Category in Radiation Incident
- Manage ARS and Assign Response Category (REMM)
- Scarce Resources Triage Tool (REMM)
- Multibiodose Radiation Emergency Triage Categorization Software (Public Health England)
First-responders Radiological Assessment Triage
- "Enables first responders to triage suspected radiation casualties based on the initial, or prodromal, features listed in the Emergency Radiation Medicine Response"
- Development status: Prototype release beta for PC only.
Estimating Internal Contamination and Managing Decorporation
Imba® Professional Plus Internal Dosimetry
(PubMed Reference)
- "A suite of software modules for internal dosimetry.
- It implements all of the biokinetic and dosimetric models currently recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP).
- It also enables the users to specify their own parameter values and apply sophisticated data handling techniques to their customised internal dose calculations."
- Requires purchase
Internal Dose Estimation Clinical Resource - ICCR
- Tool estimates the projected urine concentration of a specific radionuclide that would be found if a hypothetical patient's intake were equal to one Clinical Decision Guide (CDG), given various parameters entered for the specific case.
- CDG is a term developed by NCRP in Report No. 161 and Report 166. If the measured or projected CDG level of a radionuclide is exceeded, consideration of countermeasures may be appropriate.
- Intended for reference only.
- Matsumoto M, Yamanaka T, Hayakawa N, Iwai S, Sugiura N. Development of a computer code to calculate the distribution of radionuclides within the Human body by the biokinetic Models of the ICRP. Radiat Prot Dosimetry. 2014 Jul 23. [PubMed Citation]
- Waller EJ. Combined hardware--software considerations for triage of internally contaminated personnel. Radiat Prot Dosimetry. 2010 Nov;142(1):24-8. [PubMed Citation]
- Waller E, Wilkinson D. MEDECOR--a medical decorporation tool to assist first responders, receivers, and medical reach-back personnel in triage, treatment, and risk assessment after internalization of radionuclides. Health Phys. 2010 Oct;99(4):581-90. [PubMed Citation]
Establishing and Managing a Community Reception Center
- Interactive tool to help state and local emergency and public health planners prepare for setting up community reception centers (CRCs) to monitor people following a large-scale radiation emergency
Radiation Epidemiology
- de Gonzalez AB, Iulian Apostoaei A, Veiga LH, Rajaraman P, Thomas BA, Owen Hoffman F, Gilbert E, Land C. RadRAT: a radiation risk assessment tool for lifetime cancer risk projection. J Radiol Prot. 2012 Jul 19;32(3):205-222. [PubMed Citation] RadRAT version 3.7, released in July, 2012.
- Interactive RadioEpidemiological Program For Estimating Assigned Share (Probability of Cancer Causation) for Exposures to Radiation (HHS/NIH/NCI)
Reporting of Environmental Radiation
- RadResponder Network and Tool (FEMA): for federal, state, local or tribal government staff collecting environmental monitoring and consequence management data for use routinely or during an incident. Registration required.
EPA's RadNet Data: national monitoring system
- Designed for use by emergency responders, especially when the internet is unavailable
- RadMap is an interactive desktop tool featuring a nationwide geographic information systems (GIS) map of long-term radiation monitoring locations across the United States with access to key information about the monitor and the area surrounding it.
- RadMap is a government product for use by government and the military only. An appropriate email address (.mil or .gov) is required for access.
Turbo FRMAC® software program
- Requires registration to download
- Software implementation of the science and methodologies utilized by the Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center (FRMAC).
These methods are documented in the
FRMAC Assessment Manual for use in the event of
the intentional or accidental release of radioactive
material to guide and govern the response of the
Federal, State, Local, and Tribal governments.
FRMAC Assessment Manual, Volume 1, Overview and
Methods, (PDF - 2.67 MB), April 2015, SAND2013-0184P
- Define the technical methods for performing radiological assessment
- Sever as scientific basis for Turbo FRMAC® software
FRMAC Assessment Manual, Volume 2, Pre-assessed
Default Scenarios, (PDF - 3.94 MB), February 2010, SAND2010-2575P,
- Eight scenarios; All accidents, none IND detonation
- Provide default "Derived Response Levels" (DRLs) for the key decisions (worker protection, evacuation/sheltering, relocation, agricultural hold).
- These default DRLs will be used to assess data until sufficient information has been accumulated to eliminate assumptions used in their calculation.
FRMAC Assessment Manual, Volume 1, Overview and
Methods, (PDF - 2.67 MB), April 2015, SAND2013-0184P
HotSpot (NARAC)
- Created to provide emergency response personnel and emergency planners with a fast, field-portable set of software tools for evaluating incidents involving radioactive material.
- Also used for safety analyses of facilities handling nuclear material.
- Physics Codes for PC
CAMEO (Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations,
Software Suite, NOAA)
- CAMEO is the umbrella name for a system of software applications used widely to plan for and respond to chemical and radiation release emergencies.
- All of the programs in the suite work interactively to share and display critical information in a timely fashion; the programs can also be used individually.
- Access tools.
ALOHA (Areal Locations of Hazardous Atmospheres, NOAA)
- Overview
- Hazard modeling tool used to evaluate the atmospheric dispersion of hazardous chemical vapors, as well as some fires and explosions.
- Example scenarios including radiological scenarios.
RASCAL (Radiological Assessment System for Consequence
Analysis, US NRC)
- RASCAL is a tool used by the Protective Measures Team in the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC's) Operations Center for making independent dose and consequence projections during radiological incidents and emergencies.
- RASCAL was developed by NRC over 25 years ago to provide a tool for the rapid assessment of an incident or accident at an NRC-licensed facility and aid decision-making such as whether the public should evacuate or shelter in place.
- RASCAL evaluates atmospheric releases from nuclear power plants, spent fuel storage pools and casks, fuel cycle facilities, and radioactive material handling facilities.
- Its data is not the only criterion used by the local authorities during an accident, but certainly an important one.
HPAC - Hazard Prediction and Assessment Capability
- HPAC is a forward deployable and/or reach-back modeling capability available for Government, Government-related, or academic use.
- This software tool assists in emergency response to hazardous agent releases.
- Its fast running, physics-based algorithms enable users to model and predict hazard areas and human collateral effects in minutes.
- HPAC provides the capability to accurately predict the effects of HAZMAT releases into the atmosphere and their impact on civilian and military populations.
- Information about HPAC is found throughout this guide: Nuclear Weapon Accident Response Procedures, Internet Supplement, (DoD 3150.08-M)
- New HPAC Version 6.4 has been tested. Report is available here as "Nuclear Facility Accident Unit Test Report".
(DOE/Office of Health, Safety and Security)
What is ResRad?
- "A Community Guide to Estimating Radiation Doses From Residual Radioactive Contamination" from "radioactive waste generated by both civilian and military uses of nuclear power".
- "RESRAD allows users to specify the features of their site and to predict the dose received by an individual at anytime over the next 100,000 years."
- Obtain ResRad family of codes
What is ResRad?
RACER (Risk,
Analysis, Communication, Evaluation, Reduction)
- Purpose: "to facilitate and enhance decision making and communication about risks from chemicals and radionuclides in the environment"
- Produced by private corporation
Radiation Safety Information Computational Center
- Requires registration
- Software catalogue
Specialized Hazard Assessment Response Capability
(SHARC from DOE/Sandia National Laboratories)
- Used to simulate the release of radioactivity from a nuclear weapon via either conventional detonation or by non-explosive techniques.
- Creates a nuclear detonation scenario or a radioactive dispersal device (RDD) scenario.
- Each scenario is associated with an event that describes when and where the material was released and each event can support multiple scenarios of each type.
- For each scenario, SHARC works with an integrated geographic information system (GIS) engine and population databases (U.S. Census and Landscan) for the graphical display of areas affected by the radiation and for the estimation of casualties and fatalities.
- In addition to the features above, SHARC is fully integrated with the Turbo FRMAC software, another Sandia product.
Technical Support Guidelines Calculations Tool
(DOE/Sandia National Laboratories)
- Aids civilian nuclear power plant reactor operators, shift supervisors, and the engineering staff of the Technical Support Center (TSC) in making important decisions and deciding when to take relevant actions during the course of an emergency situation to prevent or mitigate a severe nuclear reactor accident.
Radiation Waste Estimation Support Tool, a Radiation
Waste Calculator
(WEST Tool, EPA)
- Helps estimate the waste inventory generated by an RDD event
Managing Blast Injuries
Managing Bombing Incident: for First Responders
- First Bomb App (DHS):